What makes good brand writing - good?
Brand writing is having a moment.
Verbal identity development, language design, verbal branding - whatever you call it, the strategic older sister of straight-up copywriting is in its glowup phase. (I'm not saying copywriters aren't strategic too - don't come at me).
The return
What does ‘returning to work’ look like, when your work is your home and your colleagues are non-existent?
Brand audits: what's the point?
I recently had a client question the value of the brand and marketing audit I had proposed - wondering why they should pay for me to “do my homework.”
The importance of sacrifice in strategy
If the essence of strategy is sacrifice, why do strategists find it so hard to say no?
Marketing's crisis of confidence
Anyone else ever feel embarrassed to admit they’re in marketing?
Or - like me - do you blatantly reject the word marketing and instead frame what you do with other, more palatable descriptions (brand strategy, anyone?)..
On Purpose
Purpose is an important word in the world of brand building. Regardless of whether you’re the client or the agency, making ads or identities, or using frameworks made up of circles or squares, you’re probably very familiar with the idea of purpose.
Principles for a powerful brand
‘Brand’ means many different things to different people. Here are the three main principles that will guide our work together